Saturday, March 17, 2012

ON THE STATE OF OUR DETERMINATION - We Need To Change Our Political Battle Habits

I have to say, with the larger Newt collection of supporters  and other conservatives whom the media hates, with things so desperate for the country and time so short to get Newt the nomination/discredit Santorum (must be done, he's a pawn for the left now) and yes, advertise Arpaio's investigation conclusion that Obama's birth certificate is a criminal fraud (that's right, a criminal fraud, and Arpaio has a long federal enforcement history, he's not just some backwater Sheriff, this guy knows what he's talking about), that people would be anxious to immediately try anything for a short time.

It's frightening to think we may not be doing enough. But the fact is that as long as Santorum beats Newt and Obama beats Santorum in the polls, we are doing much of this very wrongly because the poll numbers are exactly the reverse of what they should be. If we don't act now to change things those numbers will be exactly what the election results will be in November. Now is the time to take more and stronger action.

It's too frustrating to look, right now, but I must assume large numbers of people on Facebook are simply allowing themselves to be drawn in by the leftist trolls - who are being paid - to argue endlessly instead of doing what we must do to win: sticking to a couple of solid, repeated messages there and elsewhere. While we chatter like monkeys on Facebook and message boards, other arms of the opposition's operation are hitting the larger population - and all the while we are not. It happens this way every election cycle; the opposition scurry on the ground fast and nimble and coordinated with the media covering for them and most on our side sit like pompous asses on message boards spouting like forth-rate Limbaughs waiting for Hannity to save us and the conclusion is almost always the same: we lose and wind up listening to people bitch about how terrible the mainstream media is, when those same people should be pointing the finger at themselves. The mainstream media has no duty to let us win - we have to earn those victories for ourselves, and doing the same thing over and over and losing is the classic and overused definition of insanity.

If we had half the determination we need to get off our collective asses and work outside our comfort zone, as ourselves or under internet aliases, as the opposition does, Obama would never have been approved to tour the White House, let alone live in it.

I say the following every 2 years - WE MUST CHANGE OUR HABITS - and watch as every 2 years the same thing happens: we creep closer to losing our status as a truly free nation. But like a hopeless gambling addict I will keep trying; maybe THIS time.... WE NEED TO CHANGE OUR HABITS. THIS MEANS YOU.

Thank God for the Tea Party and the fact that some people did get up and moving - but it took the threat of a literal slow death by governmental intrusion and neglect in the form of Obamacare to make it happen, and now that people have some hope that it will be defeated, eventually, they are falling back into casual old habits that cause us to lose. Hannity, Rush and their guests like Palin are actually terrible for our side; they give us a false sense of security when the reality is that they can do nothing - we have to do what need to be done.

The Tea Party saved us - literally in many ways -  in 2010. But the poll numbers show Obama, with his horrible and disastrous record, is still doing well. That means we're failing, again - with his record he should be shown as being hopeless - that shows how poor we are at getting our messages out to the larger population, instead allowing ourselves to be suckered by manipulating leftists who successfully waste our time by saying outrageous things and draw us into meaningless arguments while others among their ranks get the the larger job done without opposition or competition. We need to be those 'others" for our side and get the job done, because arguing on Facebook is not enough. It never is.

The problem is, of course, the painful feeling that if you are not "holding down the fort" on FB 24/7, things will get worse there. My own feeling is that if the situation gets bad there, there are enough people there to fill in for you on those hours or days when you are doing something else. And we need to do something else because we are failing and that is not opinion, that is statistical fact.

WE NEED TO CHANGE OUR HABITS. We have to learn how to win. Taking a cue from the leftists is a good start. They win, and the reason is that they work hard at it. Get  truly active in ways not currently being used - out-maneuver the opposition, put them in checkmate - God knows with Obama's record that should be easy enough if we only but put in the effort. There are enough talk show hosts. We need people getting the message out to the larger population.  Out-maneuvering the opposition is what this board is about. If you subscribe (free) and qualify yourself (real name or alias, doesn't matter) as a long-time Newt supporter on Facebook, we can do it on a private board linked to this one where the opposition cannot see what we are doing and cannot counter our efforts at influence. But time is short, action here is slow and we need more people. Hurry. We're running out of time.

So I will say it again: when it comes to fighting our political battles WE NEED TO CHANGE OUR HABITS TO WIN.  Is anyone else here confident enough in this reality to say it with me? Or do we just start believing in magic: if we do the same things that cause us to lose, only do them with  little more effort, we will win, instead? The decision is up to you.


  1. Proe, I started to share the latest post to my wall but had a question or two. Do you want your name on it and do you want the link to this blog site with it? It needs instruction so it drives traffic here, don't you think so?

    *Also, I tried to reach your friend Nancy C via email tonight, hopefully she will get back with me too.

  2. Karna, Use your own judgement on how to handle this. I have no trouble with my name being attached - it might put a perspective on it - but I don't know if the Santorbots will try to exact another retribution for you daring to avail yourself of your first amendment rights.

    IMO, YOU are the poster child for the way people need to act to get things done. If half the conservatives online who pat themselves on the back for being activists - when all they do is pontificate to each other - acted, instead, as you do, Obama would never have been elected in a million years.

  3. Proe, I will post it later but, IMO, your name has to be signed as author..I will add that (forge it) for you ;) lol It also needs a link to this blog to lead a path to here or people will not know what to do with the information. Are you good with that? At that point I can get it out to other places also, that should get this board buzzing in short order. Will wait in directives. btw...I am sorry, I never did hear from Nancy so I probably never will, that's a little sad but it's her loss, she would have been a huge help to me. *ppfftt*

  4. Proe, I have some very good post and vids of H,R,S so I wouldn't say they are 'terrible' for our side. IMO they are very helpful but it doesn't stop at any one persons words of praise or even endorsements, they still help. I need to post/share both from here and there, so will the two be a contradiction?

    ** ...Hannity, Rush and their guests like Palin are ** actually terrible** for our side; they give us a false sense of security ...

    1. I didn't mean when it comes to using them for endorsements. This is more of an "internal memo", so to speak, about their effect on the grassroots operations. They help us when they say good things about Newt, but in the larger sense against Obama they lull us into a false sense of security, that much is plain. They come out forcefully and express what we feel and in that catharsis the anxiety goes away - and we need that anxiety desperately if we want to be motivated to win, because while Rush et al make us feel good, they don't help us beyond what they do. They lessen our anxiety for the battle, and we need it. We need to feel more desperate, we need to be more motivated. All this talk talk talk is killing us without more action, and the style of the talk often lessens the desire to take action. That's what I meant, and I stand by it. Absolutely. Obama's poll numbers are strong against against GOP candidate. With Obama an unmitigated disaster of a president, such polls show we are waging our message war ineffectually. That needs to change. It needs to change right this second. This is crazy. We should be beating the hell out of him in the polls and we're not. We're losing. This has to change and only we can do it, and we need to do it fast.

  5. Proe, I am considering posting this tonight, or in a few minutes with your name but it occured to me that I really need to put the link to this blog too if you want results from this otherwise, it leaves people hanging. In doing so, this board will become very popular you want that much attention yet? If you do, I would wait until morning when it can be attended too. What do you think?

  6. You're demonstrating pretty savvy advertising acumen these days so I would say, sure, go ahead, and simply handle it as you see fit. I understand that there is a danger because this is a blog to get people active in strategies we do not necessarily want to advertise to the opposition, but as long as only cleared people are allowed into the private board/chat when we are set to move forward in earnest (time soon approaching), then we should be able to keep a lid on those matters as much as anyone can hope in this day and age. Do what you think is best. (BTW, I'm not sure this blog will become all that popular quickly, though I appreciate the thought. Activity gets thin when dealing with individual new blogs, which is to be expected - but this was never about big numbers, this is about small numbers getting big results)

  7. BTWm Karna, you and I appear to be the only ones at this point to go this far with the assessment of where we stand and what our side needs to do. This post, which has been slightly revised, now, may not be popular at FB or anywhere. It's frightening to think we may not be doing enough. but the fact is that as long as Santorum beats Newt and Obama beats Santorum in the polls, we are doing much of this very wrongly because the poll numbers are exactly the reverse of what they should be. If we don't act now to change things those numbers will be exactly what the election results will be in November. Now is the time to take more and stronger action.

  8. Yes, I shared it afterall to my wall but without the link yet; lets see what it draws in ok :)

  9. Proe, I decided to introduce a build up to this, now I need to get the others more involved here. I do think some formal announcement of the next step on the Ga thread would be motivating now. Is that possible so I can' call them all in?

    1. If by "next step" you mean the very secret strategies being saved for the private board, no, obviously you don't want to announce that. If you want, just tell people that i am getting an activist board together and then paste the main post from this thread. Very few people want anything to do with what I wrote - it demands a lot and tells them things they do not want to hear - but those who come will be ready because they will have been thinking the same thing. Just let them know this is serious, not just talk. Who is on-board officially, now? We only have 6 subscribers, so i am assuming no more people prepared to be truly active in influence public opinion here that.

    2. you want me to call just the '6' to the meeting that subscribed so far or everyone? It frustrates me that only '6' signed in so far....maybe one of the others can help with that task at this point now that you have a good strong team started. (running out for a while, bbl)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Proe, We have at lease 12 to start according to my count, including you and I.

    C.B aka Hope
    T.N.W. aka Tee
    Amy.A. aka (don't remember her aka:)
    VA-Jay B
    Suz N.
    Anny F.
    Deb B. (is she signed in?)
    Cari aka Hope
    Saski?? (your friend,I don't know)
    I hope this helps you get started...

    fyi**they eached signed in to the blog but may have had prior blogger acct's,would that make a difference in your numbers count?

    Dawn L. will join us on Wed after Ill is over
    Not sure if you added your friend..Deb S.
    Mark Z(is considering joining,and Jamey O. signed in but will wait on joining at this time.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. That's 8 PM eastern. if that is too early for some on the west coast, let me know and we'll bump it to 9:00 EST.

  15. Got it Proe, thanks and will do :)

  16. Proe?? You want everyone to show up 'here' as in 'here' this thread? If I need to 'ring the bell' to gather them I need to know.

    BTW..per Annys post on GA, she is available around 9 est so we should bump the time to that, works best for me as well. Is that ok?

  17. karna, yes, showing up on this thread is fine. 9 PM is okay also as long as we don;t lose people after the first hour because it;s getting too late. Everyone basically needs to casually chime in on this.

  18. Just checking in for a minute, will be back on later. I will 'send out the memo' to the group when I get back in a couple of hours for the meeting place/time. bbs

  19. Proe, I sent the memo out to the group tonight with the meeting date/time as: -Sunday night, March 25 @ 9pm est /8pm cst **sharp* here at this thread.

    The ones I did not send anything to yet are Saski (I don't know who that is, do you?) and Deb Sheils

    Let me know if you think of anyone else and I will check also.

  20. I'm sure Saska is watching this. Saska goes way back to before the Obamafake blog. Saska is alright.

  21. I will be on the road today but will check in w/cell. bbl :)

  22. Proe; committed for Sundays 9est meeting so far:
    Deborah Hope
    Joan of Arc

  23. Okay, good. It would be nice to have ten, but still.... I read a post on open of these threads that suggested you might not be available, karna, so I thought we were sunk because you really are the central organizer. Once again, for two hours or so people are really going to be sweating the hard work at the keyboard, but if you have spirit, it'll be fun. But this isn't a casual exercise.

  24. Proe, considering all...since you saw my comment on the open threads it would go along way if you could respond to the ones that request clarity, this board doesn't alert me nearly fast enough to allow me to do what needs to be done without your guidence. Post are helpful but clarity is required for me to rally the troops the way you want, otherwise my efforts get crossed up.... I will do my best but think about it

    1. On the other post that I deleted after reading as requested, the initial organizing of any complex endeavor is always frustrating as hell. Newt: "perseverance is the hard work you do after you are tired of doing the hard work you did." The leftists win because they make it hard for us to defeat them, obviously. That means we go in new directions as well as old an throw our backs into it. One of the big differences is motivation: the activist left takes a sadistic pleasure from their activities and it's stamped over everything they do. The leftist leaders recruit social misfits and give them a sense of belonging. It's fun for them. We just want to get on with our lives. The problem of course is the lives we get on with get worse and worse as they win every victory, and we're at the edge of the Marxist cliff, now. IMO, we don't have a choice. This is going to be pain in the ass between now and Nov. e might as well except that and just get on with it and make the best of a pain in the ass and try to have some fun with it. Not taking an active part in this fight is a non-option, and the gladhanding, GOP pancake-breakfast-fundraiser types are not winning this. We need to be clever and original and get down in the trenches and play clean or dirty or whatever it takes and just assume that's how it's going to have to be if we want to win, accept our new temporary lives and get on with it.

      On clarification, I need to know what needs clarification - clarify! :)

    2. btw...staffers have been in the way of successes, not vpboard material

    3. The reality is that we need both. But staffers tend to work by the VERY old rules even though the leftist template for media success has been staring us in the face for decades.

  25. I just like it better when I see things clearly, theres trust and then there's blind trust...could be interpeted as Obama Stupid to me so delete this now for me so I can get my wires untangled then we can rock and roll :) gmail account is viewing weird, now I have to fix that, any ideas on how to do that quickly?

  26. Proe, why am I unable to 'read more' under the GA thread? That link is not working for me for some reason but is for others so I can't add to the thread or check it, any ideas to correct that ?

    1. This board is a tad glitchy. if you come back it may show. I have sometimes been unable to pull up one of my own responses.

  27. I am getting an 'explorer run script error message' for that one link and f/b, might be on my side but I will have to figure that out tonight when I get back *delete this once read please*

  28. Hi Folks, Deb here. And if I can figure out how, I will be posting as Deedee. I emailed you, Proe. Did you get my email?

    1. Hi Deb. One of my great pleasures on this board is to welcome a fighter like you to the board. Thanks for coming.

    2. Proe, this is Mark Zampano here, from Facebook, and I would like to help out. I have a lot of extra time (just ask Karna) and so I believe I can be a big help. Just let me know what you want me to do and I will do it.

  29. Proe ... Thanks to Kathy, I finally found you again. I'll be here tonight ... 9 PM (eastern) sharp! Lets get moving! :)

    1. Great to have you here, Sue. Kathy has been in the center of organizing the Facebook end of things and this wouldn't be happening to any significant degree without her.

      Sue, you need to establish a youtube account, post "NEWT IS MY FAVORITE" on his wall and come up with five statements on each of the following subject; 1. pro newt, 2. Anti-santorum, 3. Arpaio's verdict that obama's birth certificate is fake. That's watcha get for showing up at the last minute. Great to have you here! ;)

    2. I will indeed establish a Youtube account, and also post on the three subjects indicated above, but boy oh boy I'm in a whirlwind. I found you on a VERY busy day! However ... I'll get started post taste and do as much as time permits.

      And, great to be here :)

    3. Sue thanks for coming onboard, I am sure we will have a blast :) Good to see you Proe, it looks like we will have a good group.
