Monday, March 12, 2012

KEEPING SANTORUM IN HIS PLACE - The Disaster Who cannot Win - Tools included here to help you win the argument.

WITH SANTORUM'S BAGGAGE HE NEVER SHOULD HAVE WON KANSAS. WE NEED TO STEP UP THE GAME to keep this lunatic at bay. he cannot be our nominee. period.

His own words condemn him, so much so that this is what flips out the liberals trying to split the vote and/or get santorum - the worst candidate by their correct estimation - up against Obama. You can use these as copy and paste posts or as simple links. The liberals will post like mad to drive your post down into oblivion, so be prepared to bump your own posts and/or coordinate with friends so they can keep a conversation going and keep your post at the top. It's what the liberals do - you've seen it - and all other things being equal, we win if we do what they do strategically, because Santorum is a nut and the facts favor us and Newt. This can help us win and we want to win (don;t attach my name to these unless you want the FB liberals to try to destroy you, because they hate me for stuff like this) :


OMG! LIBERALS ARE SUPPORTING SANTORUM BECAUSE HE IS THE WORST CANDIDATE! Get the word out! This, from much-respected conservative "":Leftists Launch 'Operation Chaos' Effort to Boost Santorum:


RICK SANTORUM CANNOT WIN AGAINST OBAMA; SANTORUM INSULTED THE PROTESTANT CHURCH AND 15% OF ALL AMERICANS. He said protestants were "out of the world of Christianity". That is the context. Let no one tell you there is a larger context.


There are 21 mainline protestant denominations in the US and santorum insulted ever one of them in the most horrific possible way by inferring that they are all going to hell. Santorum is a disaster who cannot win. Pick another candidate - right away - fast. Santorum will get killed by Obama and the mainstream media.




He said protestants were "out of the world of Christianity". That is the context. Let no one tell you there is a larger context.


There are 21 mainline protestant denominations in the US and santorum insulted ever one of them in the most horrific possible way by inferring that they are all going to hell. Santorum is a disaster who cannot win. Pick another candidate - right away - fast. Santorum will get killed by Obama and the mainstream media.


IT'S TRUE - LIBERALS ARE USING SANTORUM TO GET THE GOP NOMINATION AND GET OBAMA RE-ELECTED! the story from CNN, and proud they are of it, too. Only Newt Gingrich can save us, now.


WE NEED TO GET THIS MESSAGE OUT. the video attached of Santorum bashing protestants only has 1,600 hits. No one knows about this. It's up to you to tell them on Facebook. Only Newt can win against Obama, now. Let people know.


  1. Don't let the liberal tolls do the paulbot thing to the boards with Santorum, now, instead of Paul - that's what's happening. Post this stuff. keep America informed lest they fall into a lull and we wind up with Jeepers Creepers as our nominee.

  2. I can not believe Jeepers Creepers as gotten this far, he is a fake

  3. Post the links on FB and elsewhere and KEEP posting them, Karna. People need to know he simply cannot win against Obama the media after the things he has said. take it from a successful media specialist; he cannot win - it's impossible. Not improbable, impossible. Period. It will be an absolute massacre - that is why the liberals from high up put out their marching orders to the unions to vote for santorum (according to Morris who is probably right in his analysis and inside info on this). This is massive election corruption in the polish communist tradition and santorum is the angry dimwit puppet dreaming impossible dreams of victory while being set-up by the very people who want nothing more than to defeat him. he simply cannot be allowed to get the nomination - it will be McCain times ten. We're sunk totally if such a thing happens. Newt, Romney, either one, but not Santorum. The right will be on defense with santorum up until election night and he'll get creamed and Obama will dance, laughing and joyful, astonished at his continuing good fortune, back into the White House. It just can't happen. Santorum is a PR disaster and the left understands it and many of the right, hypnotized by his evangelical rhetoric, are blind to the fact. If santorum is the nominee, we'll get destroyed.

  4. I fully agree about Santorum. I will get these started out there and check back in..zzzz can wait.

  5. Karna, :D - if only everyone worked like you do. Newt would be the nominee NOW.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Proe, team time! What do we need next?

  8. karna, check the coordination thread.
