Monday, March 5, 2012


~ Proe Graphique

Newt Gingrich is the only clear conservative republican choice of substance in a race of inexperienced newcomers, well-meaning centrists, posers and the occasional lunatic.

Some say that Newt has a blemished past and "baggage". If they mean his marriages, then all should remember that Ronald Reagan fell in love with Nancy before he was divorced from Jane - and he and Nancy were clearly devoted as could be to each other to the end - and Reagan's own liberal kids pretty much hated him and said so publicly. Reagan was human and as such imperfect as is all of mankind (after original sin specifically if that is your faith). Yet for all that, Reagan was unquestionably the finest President in the 20th century. His charm, plain brilliance and sparkling, genuine enthusiasm for the greatness of this country led this nation out of a dark and self-loathing liberal past and made America proud - even joyous - to be America again. If we're looking for perfection we're in trouble, because human perfection is only in Jesus Christ, and the last I heard, He isn't running. And if anyone has baggage, it's coke-snorting, communist befriending, ACORN -endorsing, nude-mother-picture-having, fake-birth-certificate-posting, economy-ruining, teleprompter-needing, 57-United-States-visiting, Larry-Sinclair-allegedly-sex-having (alleged by Sinclair himself), Crazy-racist-pastor-loving, never-having-dated-before-Michelle-manifesting, Muslim/Christian/Marxist Barack Obama. I wouldn't worry too much about the "baggage factor". By all means, bring it on. Compared to most politicians, Newt almost qualifies for sainthood.

Some are citing a TV ad from ten years ago that Newt made with ultra-liberal Nancy Pelosi and trying to create the most shallow and intellectually dishonest smear-by- association campaign perhaps ever seen in the history of politics. At that time global warming was thought to be a threat. Newt was obviously asked to appear in the ad to help America and always the patriot, he did (even Reagan was a rugged environmentalist who loved his unspoiled western vistas). To those conservatives who have been so driven to reactionary paranoia by the left that they see Newt appearing in an ad with Pelosi as an act of conservative blasphemy, let me remind them that Ronald Reagan used to publicly laugh, be gracious to and shake hands with uber-liberal Tip O'Neal like they were old chums before going into a back room and giving O'Neal the political spanking of his life. No one called Reagan a conservative traitor for that the way some are are attempting to do with Newt Gingrich. Get a grip - Newt has poured scathing verbal acid over Pelosi and her incompetent liberal leadership so many times that the scars of those attacks may well be what he perceive as her botox injections. There is no one running remotely as conservative and determined to be conservative as Newt.

The liberal media did not try to destroy Newt totally when he was speaker and doing great, successful conservative things because he was in any way compromised toward liberalism.

Newt is the only candidate who could not only beat Obama in a debate, but utterly decimate him in a debate, and we desperately need that, because with the media fully behind Obama, we can afford to take no chances. The debates will be everything in 2012, because it will be the only time outside of Fox News that America gets to see the GOP candidate without liberal spin.

The finest candidate without question is directly in front of us in the form of Newt Gingrich: experienced like no other, knowledgeable like no other, articulate like no other, and completely prepared to strike back devastatingly against the left-wing media when it tries to play its usual unconscionable, biased and prejudiced tricks, and it will attempt to destroy whoever the GOP nominee is - we're crazy if we think moderation or skin color will placate them. When Sarah Palin entered the national stage she did so as a bright, successful, popular and beautiful governor who was equally at home in the rugged wilderness as she was in the halls of power. They destroyed her because she did not know how to fight back. They hate us and we need someone who will fight back against the media and win. We have seen flashes where every other GOP candidate has had their deer-in-the-headlights moment in front of the nation when the media played a gotcha trick and the GOP candidate momentarily seemed to apologize to the media for even being born. When the liberal reporters pull gotcha questions on Newt, he reduces them to rubble with positively withering condemnations which are entirely successful. There is perhaps only one person politically active at all who can successfully do that, and that's Newt Gingrich.

Newt Gingrich is clearly offering his service in a thankless job certain to leave him living a life for eight years of prejudiced left-wing attacks and dishonest liberal mockery and Newt is doing so unquestionably out of one motivation: patriotic duty for his country, which he rightfully understands better than anyone is on the edge of genuinely irreparable harm. Of that there can be no question.

Experience, articulation, knowledge, forceful personality, humor and unmatched proven political ability to lead this country against a liberal/socialist administration and media and win. If we do not take him up on his generous offer to avail ourselves of his unquestionable experience and proven ability we're simply disconnected to those things necessary to make an intelligent decision, because no other candidate comes up to his show-tops in proven national experience and ability, having himself balanced the federal - not state - budget as Speak of the House, a position only two steps away from the Presidency itself. We're crazy if we don't take him up on his offer to serve us, beat Barack Obama as only he can on the debate stage and fix this country before its too late.



  1. Thanks PG
    If we could only get the rest of the country to see it as clearly as you do. He doesn't need the job. We need him and we need him desperately.
    Great job on the video!

  2. Thank you. Yes, we need him more than he needs the job. That's true of most people good enough to be top executives, but in this case we need him more than we need the others. I am convinced if he does not win the presidency, no matter who else does, this country may fail entirely after 200-plus shining years; two hundred years is not a long time, and we're right on the brink. he's the only one with the skill to do what needs doing. In other years we have and will need other kinds of presidents. This time around we need Newt. He';s the only one with the right resume - no one else even comes close, and that's a fact.

    1. I'm with you on all of this. I can't for the life of me figure out why nobody seems to understand the seriousness of the situation we are in. If Mitt or Rick get the nomination we WILL lose. If we lose Obama is going to shift into fifth gear and take this country down so fast we won't know what happened. I am terrified for my children and grandchildren. I have no computer or writing skill but if there is anything you can think of that I can do please let me know. I will check back every day.

  3. Hi Proe, Good to see you back! I have no writting skills either but Let us know what you have in mind. It's ALL about Newt and restoring the America we love!
