Tuesday, March 6, 2012


.... and this could very well be seen as the final stretch. Today many delegates are up for grabs, and depending on today's results, which look good, a fast and surgical series of online activities could really put the word out about Newt - the correct word; the truth about Newt's accomplishment and solutions, ideas, caring for the nation and just plain brilliance, not the leftist spin over which we, believe it or not, do have some power.

Before going any further, I need to know how many are on board with this idea of working together;  a few of us have tried activist solutions online for other political topics  in ways which are entirely legal and above-board, lest you worry, with great success. But I need to know who is with us and who is not, even if only using your internet name. People known to me from Facebook are particularly welcome, BTW. So if you are on-board, please post "Aye". Don;t expect many "Ayes" immediately - this blog is all of one day old and while people know me, no one knows this, yet.

On a final note, people have made copies of the Newt vs Obama debates and have started cutting it up with their own "superior" take on it, and this includes cutting out all the kudos Newt gets from the best and brightest - one even replaced it with a stupid "ready to rumble" opening. This may seem cute and a 'way to get the word out", but what these amatuers are doing (I've been successful in media in NYC for 25 years) is ruining the message; the debate illustration in the second half is only convincing to third parties who have only heard the liberal spin about Newt if you know that Newt has won all the prvious debates with huge acclaim. Otherwise, it just looks like a desperate and lame attempt to make Newt look like something he isn't - when in fact, he is. If you stumble upon any of these ham-firsted re-edits - done in violation of the terms of use (trolls looking for attention don't care) - shout them down and humiliate them for operating against the Youtube terms of service.  Ruining the message as carefully crafted does not help Newt regardless of the person's intentions - it hurts him. If we want to win we need to be professional - and those people are not being that.

So the video notwithstanding, please give an "Aye" if you are on-board with coordinating your efforts with others quickly  for the best possible effect, and we'll see how many people are on-board and where we can go from there. Telling other Newt supporters about this board might be a good preliminary first step.

Here's the original video: you can help by spreading it around, but there is much more we can do as a unified effort to get the word out about Newt, should any of you be interested., should any of you be interested.

~ Proe 


  1. Hey Proe:

    I think I've tracked you down! Saska

  2. btw, check Capins email, you have a broken link on the new article, first one

  3. Link is now fixed. Thank you! Yes, I can delete comments at any time. Also, yes, the "Newt Vs Obama" and "What Paul's Young Supporters do Not Know" videos are my original creations (accept no substitutes!). Only bring over people who are reliable and you really trust. If we can get this going we can have a real impact. I absolutely guarantee it. I've done it before.

  4. Please delete my post above that names those two names (or just make them initials :)

  5. now check your p/m I am on...for special request prior to proceeding..what's one more anyway? lol

  6. No more PM. Facebook nailed me for not liking santorum in an honest, nonthreatening, first-amendment way. I wonder how many are being destroyed because Facebook has some marxist operatives in the belly of the beast with their finger on the "delete" button. The communists really mean business this time. What they do not realize is that they are in for a real fight.

  7. Proe, they are coming so please repost instruction (I may have to run out later today) k.

  8. I would like to help and could you repost the instructions :)

  9. Proe, there is another friend on the other blog. No one knows the instructions though, they seemed to have gone *poof* please respost them.

    *anonymous friend T. girl,just said: I would like to help and could you repost the instructions :)

    K. :p

  10. please, repost instructions. :)

  11. let's show em how it's done!so get it up, get it up ...here come the ladies about to give a little show...! lol k.

    [AnonymousMar 8, 2012 09:13 AM
    please, repost instructions. :)

    Reply] thank you K.N. :)

  12. All set I think, others on the way after work time. K.

  13. So GLAD to know you are ok! Winning our Future needs to do something QUICK other than the puny little "Why I like Newt" ads..They are NOT inspiring and Mitt deceitful ads are spreading lies and hurting him because the general public is too ignorant to understand the dirty way people like Mitt play...I hope your videos take off..THOSE are the kinds of ads that will get attention and inspire! Praying for you and BEGGING the Angels of heaven to Watch over Newt and help us Save America...
    your pal..

  14. your pal= deb shiels...lol
