Wednesday, March 14, 2012


There is a thread already that touches on this subject on this board, HERE. But this takes the fight in an additional. important counter-attack direction.

Here's what's happening so far: as you know, the left is using Santorum as a pawn and voting for him in the republican primaries in so the weirdest and weakest candidate is the one that goes up against Obama.

I predicted that if this was a real movement taking hold and using Santorum, many of the Paul supporters would abandon Paul - it's the same blue democrat activists - and concentrate on Santorum, instead. This prediction would be proved if it turned out that Santorum's previous numbers went up and and Paul's numbers went down, as the liberal Blue Democrats shifted their manipulative strategy from Paul to Santorum. Unhappily, that is exactly what happened: Paul got a barely-registering 4+% this time around, much further down from his previous 9% - 12%. Santorum this time around went up almost exactly conversely to Paul. The causation is clear. Worse, according to Dick Morris, who knows his way around as President Bill Clinton's former chief political adviser and bestselling author, this is probably being organized by the Obama White House as only they would have the power to order union leaders to send out their rank and file for Santorum, which suggests they have the worst of the worst kind of October surprises waiting for Santorum, or they would not be this confident.

Now, on the one hand, we can show the world the videos of Santorum bashing protestants and telling the world that this catholic protestant-basher is simply theologically shackled to the point where he cannot win a general election - regardless of unpleasant Obama surprises waiting for Santorum, that's clear. And we need to keep doing that while pushing Newt.

However, they might just steal newt's otherwise conservative victory; polls showed newt winning handily among GOP voters but losing yesterday in actual votes. So what can we do? Many things, but IMO the most important is to see to it that regardless of who how candidate happens to be - and Newt could well lose this now to Santorum, let's not be cute about it - that they simply do not go against Obama because Obama is not in contention. How can we do that legally? Hold on to your hat: the so-called "birther issue", because the crime is no longer theoretical. Keep reading.

When Sheriff Joe Arpaio released his investigation report, as shown in the CBS news report, shown below, everything changed silently in a media vacuum; there is now a properly mounted and conducted criminal investigation done in accordance with all law and procedure that has decided that criminal activity was committed in the form of releasing a forgery, which in this case, is also a felony - and people accused by law enforcement of being felons cannot run for president.This strongly implies Obama. It's more than exposing a fraud for political purposes; public outrage is what drives politicians to do uncomfortable things - like work -  and could take Obama off his game as the candidate. if that happens don;t worry about our guy beating theirs - it would totally demoralize the left base, the moderates, particularly add the independents would abandon the democrats almost entirely. It would decimate the democrats for a decade.

For years the fake birth certificate was in the theoretical world legally, but Arpaio's press conference changed all that. The only thing lacking is media coverage that results in public awareness and outcry. You can use THIS WEBSITE  to hep get the word out, or just learn the information on it and spread it around.

Okay, then, here's how it is: if the liberals want to ruin our nomination process and try to keep us on the defense, then we'll legally ruin their nomination process and keep them on the defensive. If that's how they want to play, we'll play it. It's just that simple. Let everyone know that the liberals are using Santorum as a pawn and then please get the word out and press until it gives that you are responding with Arpaio's press conference, seen here: it's official: LAW ENFORCEMENT HAS FOUND EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL WRONGDOING IN A WAY THAT DIRECTLY IMPACTS OBAMA AND HAS VAST IMPLICATIONS AS TO HIS PERSONAL INVOLVEMENT. It is, after all, his birth certificate we're talking about.. Criminal wrongdoing. This is their Watergate. Let's do it.

Video link to legit news report on local CBS News report, not conspiracy theory video:


  1. Proe will do work on this later today. thx

  2. I'll start with great job putting the site together. Informative and easy to follow. Now...we can post/tweet/email and shout this info from the mountain tops and what?? Most people with half a brain and a computer have known this stuff for years. (I've only known it in depth for about a year when I started researching for the election.) Donald Trump yelled about it then...silence. Sheriff Arpio had his very brief press conference not to be heard from again. Congress is not doing anything. He has committed countless impeachable offenses and NOTHING! It says right on the BC that his father is Kenyan. That alone should disqualify him from holding office but nooo just look over there nothing to see here. At the very least he should have been removed from office while an independent investigation was conducted once and for all. I fear part of the problem is they are so good at having one distraction after another (OWS, birth control etc) to keep everyone from seeing the main problem that we may never get any one to focus. Sorry about the rant. I admire the fact you are trying so hard and if you really think it will help I will help post. Unfortunatly I believe that people who want to know already do and just don't know how to stop it and everyone else will just scream BIRTHER!!

    1. I understand but remember, 'they, aka..the left' is use to being 'organized' but, IMO, some of U.S....not so much. It's a Game Changer this time and takes this force of, me and anyone else that 'gets it' to lead the way. (novel idea)

      Your post/comments here definately helps. Directives help. How many more do you want at this point? I can help with that too...

    2. Anonymous, your measured superior tone is unappreciated unless you have done more than this, in which case you can lead the charge. If not, stop being a negative voice and put your back into this fight. No one needs 'words of common sense' leading us bravely to a calm and logical defeat. Get off your ass and get on the ball. Or lead this battle yourself.

    3. Not meant to be a superior tone or a neg. voice but a super frustrated one. For roughly the last 6 months, since I did my homework and decided Newt was the one, I've spent 6-8 hrs a day searching out articles & videos to post links to (positive for Newt, neg. but truthful for the other ones). It seems I'm beating my head against a brick wall most of the time but I have never stopped not even for one day. I donate to his campaign every month and I intend to keep fighting as long as there is a fight.

  3. This morning I emailed this link to Sean Hannity. Since he is actively vetting obama and his ties to radicals I thought there might be some useful information for him.

    1. I appreciate that but FOX and it;s people have mocked and marginalized the 'birther" issue for years, and it is well-known in media circles that FOX has put the kibosh on this, for reasons unknown. you may want to spread the following around faster: I intend to update it in a few hours to include an update about Arpaio (there are only so many hours in a day). You have to know now that Fox is in on the fix when Araio's criminal investigation shows fraud on the part of Obama and they do not say a word. Someone, somewhere, has made a calculated decision, to silence it. But e-mailing links can't hurt. One thing is for sure; we need to work harder on newt and the birther issue than ever before, and must do so at the same time, because both have more or less the same deadlines, give or take a few months. If Newt was certain to be the nominee I wouldn't worry about it because he would (will?) win, but Santorum is being pushed by the left for a reason, and it's not a good one. Unfortunately, Hannity lives in a confused dream world or he would be on the Arpaio story and telling people not to vote for santorum,. smelling a very large rat. he is doing neither.

      Everyone: But Sean is safe - he has enough money to see him through the worst of socialist revolutions in the US. do you? if not, get on the ball.

    2. Well, I figured he could at least get something out of the videos for his Obama/ Radicals connection. He seems to be trying to pick up the Brietbart torch. I posted the birther stuff on FB and didn't even get a thumbs up. I'd laugh but I really want to cry. I went back to posting the debate video in a row with bad ones for Mitt & Rick in all the upcoming states on Newts FB page. I will do it all again tomorrow morning and night.

    3. Quite frankly my feeling is that he only wants to LOOK like he's picking up the Brietbart torch. Brietbart was an unapologetic "birther" and I don't think Hannity has the courage for that. My own feeling is that in his mind he is being a hero while only doing a half-assed job. Still, if it only takes a moment it cannot hurt. If we are prepared to work hours a day - work, not chatter on Facebook - then that's an easy thing to do every day and the guys gets zillions of e-mails every day, so I would send it a couple of times a day during the course of those hours when you do many other things, too.

      I don't know if you are the "anonymous above, so I'll post this here, too: I suggest you subscribe to this blog and then post this on a slow thread (such as one of Newt's old Vermont posts so it's easy to find) on his wall: NEWT IS THE BEST FOR 2012 So we can be sure, real name or alias, that you have been an ongoing Newt supporter and not the opposition. You sound like exactly the kind of person an organized operation needs. What's good - and unique - about the developed strategy, as yet not fully described here, is that when working collectively at the same time, online, as a group, for a couple of hours at a time, everyone's voice winds up speaking with the power of thousands speaking to tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands; there is no other strategy of which I am aware in which that is an option. That's no joke. And it's dead simple - that's why I'm not discussing it on an open board. Subscribe and post and let me know when you did it. This country needs the very rare individual like you. Working together a handful of us can make a difference. It's true.

  4. One thing would be nice, and that is if people sign up,. even with a bogus e-mail address, so they have names we can follow for conversational sanity. That must be step one. i can change this to an all-subscription-only board, but don;t want to shut out voices occasional voices.

  5. Karna, you already did it. otherwise you would be anonymous and not "Karna".

  6. Karna, that's right. You already subscribed, which is another way of saying 'sign up". No worries. You're great. I just wish others would, too, 'ANONYMOUS"!

  7. I have postponed this Sunday off until who-knows-when, if you recall, because we clearly do not have the time to get organized for Sunday in the time left. people need t want to be pro-active in organizing and being organized, and right now what i am seeing are a couple of strong voices and half-hearted remarks form others. People are either in this or they're not. if they are not then i hope they lead a different activity, because right now the GOP is doing the same-old, and that is going to get us a defeat in November.

    1. Proe, I truely don't think they understand yet what is expected. I sent them p/m chats today and was more pointed. The blog thing is new to most of us so I need to sell the concept stronger.

  8. This is all very surprising. Okay, so be it.
