Saturday, March 10, 2012

THE BEST WAY TO POST THE NEWT VS OBAMA VIDEO - the gift that keeps on giving

( This is not, incidentally, the larger, coordinated strategy being put together. This is simply something you can do daily to help Newt.)

At this point, with almost 7,000 hits on my channel, and collectively including the youtube bootlegs over 20,000 hits totaled together, we can assume the regulars on the different political discussion boards on FB who want to watch it have watched it. However, there is still a very large audience that needs it and has not seen it - the 290,000-plus Facebook Newt supporters; his wall activity moves quickly and the video is easily lost in the shuffle, few people open the drop-down to see more than the few proceeding posts.

Some have tried to post original threads with the video and unfortunately, while well-intentioned, posting the link on an original thread shows only the internet address - not the thumbnail image and bold-lettered description which is the enticing part. The thumbnail image and video description only show up in responses to other posts, not in the main post themselves.

One of the great things you can do - and this is not meant to sound self-serving (the video was made as a tool to help Newt, not my abstract internet FB identity which helps me not at all in the "real" world except that I will live under the next president, also) is to spread this video. Why does that help? Because it reminds Newt's supporters how good he is - how many people have lauded him with glowing kudos - and how he will perform in a debate against Obama. This has proved to be by far the best tool I have managed to come up with to help Newt, for whatever that may mean. But the Facebook trolls removed me from FB - my sacrifice - but they won't dare do it to you, too; established Newt fans are not the same as the troublemaker who actually created a troublesome-for-opposition video.

So I am asking you to re-post the video link a couple of times a day, every day - a 2-minute operation that requires nothing more than the self-discipline to do it. Newt people continually find and compliment the video. 99% of the people who need it - the ones on Newt's wall - have not seen it. Please give them something that will help keep them active and energized.

DIRECTIONS (submitted to you as a request):

1. Go to Newt's Facebook wall

2. Find newt's own most recent post at the top of the page.

3. in the comment section, post a link to the video with something that will induce people to watch.

In this way, the thumbnail and Youtube description get included with your post, and when people see that, they won't be afraid to click on it - a mere link could be anything, including a site with viruses. This way, with the Youtube image, they know it's clean and safe to click on.

If you can do this 3 times a day, you will really keep morale up, and keep our side on the offensive. If you post on slower threads with few comments, it will be visable longer. Right now, the media is trying to freeze us out and keep Newt's supporters on the defense. This one simple action will help enormously. After over 20 years of successful professional media experience in NYC leading teams and creating material, I know what I'd doing on this. Other epople can talk about telephone banks and getting recruits to go door-to-door - that;' what they know as experts. This is what I know as an expert.

It's a simple thing to do. please do.

Here is the link in address for to highlight, copy and paste:

And a direct link to the video, HERE

The video

This is not meant to replace your other efforts, but since it only takes a minute, to supplement them. Never assume that a fast-moving board with 290,000 people have ever all seen the video. You can post 50 times, but still most will have missed it. I'm pushing this one because it is successful in it's purpose - to energize the Newt base.  Keep posting. there is no such thing as doing too much for your country, and right now, that means for NEWT.



  1. Thanks, Karna, So far you are the only person besides myself to post here regularly and turn out the effort. Granted, we only need a handful, and the blog is brand-new, but maybe this would be a good time to copy and paste this link in PM's to friends, or even publicly, because this is obviously helpful for the morale of "Newt's Troops" - you can tell just from the energy in their written responses.

    20,000 spread out over a few channels is less than 10% of the people who like Newt's FB page, and they are only whatever percent of the larger population is that supports him. We also must assume some people have watched it more than once.

    Additional to the video itself, larger youtube hit numbers will in themselves - and the official channel has only 7,000 - of course motivate others to share - everyone likes a winner. More positive comments will help, too. If Kony can get 66 million in a week, we should be able to shoot for 50,000 on the main channel carrying the original ad. If the Paulbots can do it, so can we. repetition is the key, though it is clear that the Paulbots are buying hits - they love to cheat (yes, you can actually buy hits from third party operations). We want Newt's ascendency to the nomination to be seen as an inevitability, and that is all perception, and perception is in many ways my business.

    Please try to get a few friends in on this particular activity, Karna, and convince them my motivation is about electing Newt, not the often weird assumption that my motivation, like others, is about some abstract gratification for my alter-ego to get hits on youtube, which obviously interests me not at all. You would think newt supporters would WANT to post this three times a day, because much of the total message is condensed in one package.

    Please see who else you can get on-board. This is my business. I know what I'm doing on this.

    1. It looks like I totally missed this post and your request to build it this more,I will get the word out on a broader today. Also I have been posting/sharing the video and people love it. It is a must see video and we will get it out much more so everyone can see what a Newt vs Obama debate could look like. thanks

  2. I hope people are copy and pasting the video address in the comments section a few times a day to Newt's wall. let's reach those 290,000 people who have "liked" Newt's wall - we're enthuse them and freak out the opposition that will have a panic attack if they see even 50,000 hits on something that truly celebrates Newt in this way. Go for it.

  3. Roger that, will send it way out too

  4. Proe, I sent the video out to several place in MS and will work on more tonight :)

  5. Karna, Thank you. Hits are slowing down today so I really think that newt's main wall, as responses to Newt's won posts, are the best place to keep 'advertising". no one will get angry at 'spamming" if you are saying good things about Newt - and the video certainly is that - and with less than 8,000 hits on that channel (or under 25,000, total), there should in theory still be a minimum of 265,000 out of the 290,000 who "like" newt's page that have not seen it. let's try for 10,000 on that channel by Thursday. Be sure to ask people to "share", because about in 100 does, and that can add up if each person has a few hundred to a couple of thousand 'friends". As many people have said, the video is really a solid encapsulation of why people should vote for Newt, because there are more things than debate kudos sneaked into the endorsements. I would suggest posting it on Newt's wall as comments to threads every few hours if you happen to be online and have the time. You'll notice that most advertisers don;t have dozens of different kinds of ads going at the same time - they have one or two, but they repeat them endlessly. there is a reason why things work the way they do. Newt's own ad is his $2.50 gs ad. Ours is him beating Obama. Replaying the same ad a thousand times will be thousands of times more effective than 'debating" trolls which means a million different messages to handfuls at a time - that'
    s no good. The boards are also, IMO, fast becoming a waste of time unless you supplement your post with a link. I hope people are also posting Santorum attacking protestants, because had that message gotten out as it should have, Santorum could never have won Kansas. We're failing. We need to step up the game.

  6. Thanks for the reminder, I use to sell print and radio adv so doing an equivalent to an ad blitz and having the repeation does work. We should use our own other interconnected Newt groups too and reache more demographics.

  7. Thanks Proe, I guess things do happen for a reason even when we don't always know...I get it, adv and some mkting doesn't hurt here.

  8. Please keep re-posting this. Repetition is the key.

  9. Proe, I have been some posting the video some and will get the others to tomorrow also. I will go over the entire board again tonight for more clarification and have brought on a few otheres, I will get there instructions to them in the morning. There is a bit of a gap for me here that could expedite my efforts. Is there any way at all to for me to get any notifications from here at least as to when you post/comment so I can answer or follow up faster?

    1. I'm not aware of any way to set up the board so you get a signal on that, no, but I'll look into it.

  10. :) We average around 250 hits a day when you are at it. for a video otherwise not being advertised with no scandal or reality show shock about it, that's not too bad, considering. With the copies floating around, this video is averaging a total of 30,000 views total of which I am aware. In the real word that's pretty good for a political video. Paul's videos average maybe 50,000 views, but some of his numbers show they are playing an increasingly old game - buying views from third party service providers. It isn;t what youtube permits, but there is nothing illegal and these guys get paid for the service. the next time you see an unfunny teenage comedian getting a million views, or Paul getting 250,000 views, know this simple fact: someone layed out a few grand to do it, usually for a dream of being a comedian or popular musician, and often from rich parents. When a nobody gets a million views, or a politician gets 250,000 views in a country where 99% of the people don't know the name of the vice president, rest assured the views were bought. it does work, however, because the more views, the faster they rise to the surface on youtube search engines, and if you hit the main page, all the people watching AT THAT POINT are usually legit. People just pay to get there. No one payed for these hits to my knowledge, so 30,000 genuine interest views is pretty good - so far. My channel as over 8,000 legit views. Let's make it 10,000 in the next few days, if we can.

  11. :))) will work on it more tonight when I get to destination. See ya then

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. last night the hit numbers on the Newt debate video jumped a couple of hundred beyond the usual 24 hour amount, so your efforts are clearly effective. If everyone who is on-board here did what you are doing on newt's wall every day the newt debate video would be seen by 800 - 1,000 new people every day. Even a few to several hundred a day adds up before long. We're at about 9,000, now. With the copycat posts of this same video we're well over 30,000. That's very good for a video for which no hits have been bought and is not about a teenage girl with a low-cut T-shirt. Let's push it and see how many people have not seen it yet who would like to see it. I am guessing there must be at least 100,000 newt supporters available at FB would would enjoy this.

  14. ok, now that I am grounded :) I can rally the troops, should we shout out the board to the roof tops tonight too? I know the importance and so do others, if I believe they believe too.

    Right here, more time...*sorry* which one thing is Most important to start shouting out first? I can do that, 'We' can do that now; I just needed the instincts turned back on so now it's on and now it is

  15. Shout out the video for sure.

    There are now enough points on this board that you might as well shout it out if you want, but only people who confirm that they are reliable, long-time Newt supporters on FB can be involved in the more covert media strategies, but I suppose that's fine; they'll read about it all here if they like this board anyway. I have to say not many people will be interested in the long run, but that's good - the vast majority will be pancake fundraiser breakfast types who play timidly by the little rules, quote rush endlessly while imagining that quoting rush to each other is going to achieve the kind of wholesale effect we need; only pissed-off people utterly frustrated with the political status quo that leads us so often to defeat when we should be winning by a mile will be interested in any of this, and that's good; those are the people we want. The pancake fundraiser breakfast types won't miss us because we're not with them anyway and doing what we do won't take away from their efforts.

    Speaking of media, they are starting to gently mock Ron Paul now, as anticipated; they no longer have use for him as a pawn because he isn't winning and they are making huge gains using Santorum, instead. It won't be long before they gleefully savage Paul. Watch and see. The leftist media is just a huge tank of malicious piranha with zero morals or ethics. "If it feels good do it" remains their battle cry,and they have the maturity of vicious ten-year-olds on a playground.

    For Clarity:

    Newt debate video: yes, shout the video from the mountaintops, but primarily on newt's FB wall where his most ardent followers are most likely to benefit from and spread it around. try to get everyone to post it 2 or three times a day on newt's wall. They have to remember, always, what newt would do to obama in a debate. Try to get everyone else attached to this board to do so, as well.

    Regarding This board: if you think it's time to shout this board around, go for it. I leave it up to you.

  16. For my part I am very involved in developing strategies, by my lonesome as a media specialist and with some people who have some good, proven professional political accomplishment and are dedicated to getting things done - neither bloggers nor pancake breakfast types, but professionals. I have, BTW, convinced them that now is the time to do what we can to play the fake birth certificate card: there is now law enforcement looking to arrest the forger and it will take a good while for the media to be dragged screaming to this reality. The groundwork should be set as best as we can so news of the actual arrest travels as fast as possible when it happens. We feel pretty sure that the media will attempt to play down even the arrest of the forger when it happens. Everyone should know in advance that law enforcement is looking for the forger to arrest him. Amazingly, even among "birthers", many don't really understand that Arpaio has legal jurisdiction to hunt the guy down anywhere in the country on behalf of the 4 million people in his jurisdiction and arrest the guy. He can do it. He has made that clear that that his his goal to be done asap. That's what's happening. For real.


    Newt as the best candidate; Arpaio looking to arrest the forger of the birth certificate they have decided is a criminal forgery, Santorum being used by the left as a puppet to protect obama. These are our biggest weapons to win, and the three stories the media is burying for that reason. Want to be convinced? Imagine how the press would handle the following: Obama as the best candidate, Arpaio looking to arrest the forger of Romney's birth certificate, Hillary being used by the GOP which is voting her into the primaries so she can beat Obama and lose against Romney. The difference between the reality that we are dealing with and how you imagine the reverse would be true per the media is the degree to which you can know that those issues are strongest for us.

  17. Got it. I will focus here when I get back tonight.

  18. Vids posted to Newts wall, memo sent to group

  19. Proe,I have to go help family today but will check back in later. The team has been notified about the meeting and sending out the video today. I may have a few more people coming onboard but I don't know what to expect for me once I do a shout out, do I handle that myself or do you once people come flocking to join? Otherwise, I may get more clarity at the meeting, communication is the key to getting more or them onboard and I can still help with that, it's all about Newt and getting Newt elected so they will come. bbl
