A working NASA moon station module
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If you follow the sciences, you know that Newt's moon station idea is not remotely absurd and should not be mocked. We could achieve the dream in well under eight years if done through a partnership with private enterprise as Newt has outlined.
Consider this: In 1969 we put a men on the moon in a small box with little reserve oxygen using the computing power of ONE 286 operating not on Windows 7, but a primitive, paper-card version of DOS, all of which was brand-new technology within the previous two years. And we did it, and controlling space - especially with the threat of Reagan's Star Wars defense system - led directly to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Not only does NASA agree with Newt, they have already built a working prototype of the first stage of a modular station for deployment on the moon. This isn't science fiction. We easily have - and have long had - the science and computing power to quickly follow through. If the private sector foots the bill in partnership with NASA through tax and other incentives, we can do this right now - today. http://thefutureofthings.com/pod/179/nasa-reveals-prototype-moon-base.html
Newt is also not alone in this. From the respected science website, ZME Science: "In what can be considered a highly ambitious project, but quite highly unlikely to get passed bill, Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., has introduced H.R. 1641, the “Reasserting American Leadership in Space Act” or the “REAL Space Act” or simply the “Back to the Moon Bill,” as its named in the vernacular."
Read more: http://www.zmescience.com/space/bill-directing-nasa-build-moon-base-24143455/#ixzz1lAOQqyra
We have a space station right now orbiting the earth. It's been successfully operating and doing amazing research that has led to amazing new breakthroughs in medical research doing experiments which can only be done in Zero-G,- and it's been doing it for years.
A station on the moon in eight years would be a cinch as long as people remember that it will look more like today's space station - a likely utilitarian and not-at-all-glamorous collection of tubes and boxes - and not some glass-domed fantasy from an old science fiction movie.
The advantages of having such an operation on the moon are limitless, including owning space as a military power. From that perspective, God has given us a real gift when it comes to the moon: its synchronous orbit means that one side always faces the earth, so while the moon waxes and wanes in our sky, if the base is set up on what is called the near side of the moon, it can police the earth endlessly, 24/7. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Near_side_of_the_Moon
That's a gift from God.
Wake up. This is the kind of science and amazing technological application that ultimately brought the Soviet Union to a close. That's the kind of thing we want. Newt's right. Absolutely. It can be done. And it should. And it's up to us to shout down the mockery and call the mockery it what it is: dishonest and ignorant.
I would suggest something along the following lines be said by the Speaker Gingrich, preferably alongside someone connected, past or present, to NASA:
"Look, we have a station in space which has been invaluable for us in everything from medical research to military strategy. It's been working for years and years. NASA says a modular base on the moon is entirely do-able right now, and even has a working prototype of the first stage of such an operation. In Reagan's era, so-called Star Wars, the strategic missile defense initiative, brought the Soviet Union to the table and ultimately led to their collapse. If we want to ensure peace on earth in the same way, America needs to be the undisputed Superpower of space. This entirely practical plan ensures that if funded in partnership with private industry. In fact, we could have already done this for the money Obama wasted on his stimulus package. We could have that station and it would already be creating thousands of more jobs than Obama's failed initiatives. if Governor Romney and congressman Santorum cannot understand these basic facts , then they need to talk to the man standing next to me with more doctorates than they have attack ads - He's (fill in the name and title) and he says it can be done. I refuse to be shackled by the dishonesty and ignorance of simple-minded politicians with no vision beyond their own political ambitions"
Newt can turn this around immediately. He can, he should - and he'll be back on top in a millisecond, because it's the mockery that's hurting him, and he can turn that around in one day.
The photo at the top of this blog is an image of NASA's already-built, working prototype of the first stage of a moon station. We're ready to go. Let's partner with private industry and let the world know who is once again the science and military Superpower of space. Do it now. It's a much better investment than another of Obama's failed stimulus packages.
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